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PRIOR AUTHORIZATION PROCESS Author: CH.Swathi Prior authorization: A decision by your health insurer or plan that a health care service, treatment plan, prescription drug or durable medical equipment is medically necessary. Sometimes called prior authorization, prior approval or precertification. It is also called as precertification or prior approval—is a health plan cost-control process by which physicians and other health care providers must obtain advance approval from a health plan before a specific service is delivered to the patient to

Long-term care pharmacy operations
Long-term care pharmacy operations Author: Riddhi Mishra When we talk about Long term care, it involves a variety of services designed to meet a person’s health or personal care needs during a short or long period of time. When people are no longer able to perform everyday activities independently, these services can help them remain independent and safe. Long-term care is provided in different places by different caregivers, depending on a person’s needs. Most long-term care is provided at

Medical Coding Process
Medical Coding Process Author: Prathamesh Jagdale We all familiar with Coding in IT sector but does you have any idea how it is used in medical field…? Medical Coding is all about maintaining a records of healthcare information of patient such as medical procedures, diagnosis & medical service information. What is medical coding? Medical coding began in 17th century England, but has seen rapid development over the past few decades. According to the American Academy of Professional Coders (AAPC),

The Emergence Of Medical Outsourcing In India
The Emergence Of Medical Outsourcing In India : From Providing Services To Becoming Backbone Of Healthcare Author: Tallish Ansari Introduction:- When a business with potential growth expands with time, it brings about an increase in investment, production, labor, requirements, logistics etc. The increase in demand causes the business to scale up its all activities to a large scale, and provide the customer with the best service’s. For any growing company or business, the most valuable thing is, it’s CAPITAL. Using

PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS ENTRY PROCESS Author: Sagar Patient demographic is the collection of correct information through the patient in hospital or medical centre (like Name,Age,Sex,Contact,Address etc).Patient demographic entry is a key to a successful claim.It is a critical step to avoid a lot of back-tracking.It is a long way by ensuring accurate information of the patient.It includes Name,Age,Insurance ID number,location etc. Patient Detail:- Patient name and I’d ,gender,marital status,email,date of birth,contact number ad office address or temporary address. Account Details:-

Medical Coding Process
Medical Coding Process A shortcut to the healthcare terminology Author: Vaishali Karmalkar We all know what coding Is, but it is strange sometimes to use coding language in the Pharmaceutical Industry. Today we prefer Medical coding in the Healthcare sector for transforming healthcare diagnosis, Procedures, medical services, and equipment into Universal medical Alphanumeric codes. Medical coding is performed worldwide using the International classification of disease(ICD). Medical coders study the clinical statements and assign standard codes using the Current Procedural

HEALTHCARE OUTSOURCING IN 2023 Author: Pavani INTRODUCTION An Expert analysis of the state of the global “Healthcare Outsourcing Market” (2023–2027) is provided in this research study. The research report also divides the global market for healthcare outsourcing into major players/brands, regions, product categories, and end users. This report also looks at the various factors influencing the market’s growth and drivers and provides information on the market’s size, most recent trends and types, income, net edge, and provincial analysis and

MEDICAL DATABASE ADMINISTRATION Author: Manasa Cheekatla Hello people out there, what is medical database administration, For that let’s have this article. INTRODUCTION Nowadays, in this present generation there is an increased focus on health care of the patient regarding their case , medications 💊, health condition, and having enthusiasm in different actions around them. But for all this the data of the convalescent is required but putting all this information on the paper is some what awkwardness . For