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Prior Authorization
Author: Zaibunnisa Begum Prior Authorization is a process of cost control in a health plan, where the physicians or any other health care providers are required to obtain approval in advance from the registered insurance company before delivering any specific service to the patient for medical payment coverage. Prior Authorization is also sometimes called as Pre-Certification and Pre- Approval. The main concept of the prior authorization process is to make sure that an individual receives access to all medical

The Surge In Medical Outsourcing Organizations In India
Modern technology’s emergence has sparked a fresh revolution in every field of employment in the present era. In such a situation, a novel idea for medical outsourcing services has acquired considerable traction and brought about a revolution in the medical field. Medical outsourcing in India, according to experts, shows no signs of dwindling down. What is Medical Outsourcing? Medical outsourcing is a corporate management method adopted by many healthcare institutions and providers to unload their most time-consuming managerial and administrative activities so they can

Pharmacist Clinical Review Process
BY – JYOTHIKA TUNGUTOORI ABSTRACT Background: Clinical pharmacy services have potential to contribute significantly to the multidisciplinary acts providing safe and effective economic care for patient. The aim of this review is to appraise, and present the available evidence of the characteristics and outcomes of clinical pharmacy practice as part of a multidisciplinary care of patients with treatment regimens for infectious, uncurable and life-threatening diseases like advanced cancer and chronic kidney disease and to ascertain their feasibility and acceptability. The

Advantages of health care outsourcing
Author: Sirisha Mangaraju Introduction Outsourcing is the assignment of core services or operations of the organization to the provider that focuses on that area of service or operation. Most of the hospital and top reason hospitals are choosing outsourcing support services is to reduce operating costs. India is one of the best destinations for the outsourcing of health care services .so many advantages are there to this outsourcing services. Roles and responsibilities of outsourcing services and the benefits of outsourcing

{Duplicate} Article on Pharmacist Clinical Review process
Author: Bhagwat Sahebrao BhakreB.pharm 2nd yearGovernment College of Pharmacy, Amravati Article on Pharmacist Clinical Review process One of the main responsibilities of the pharmacist is to perform clinical reviews of patient medications. These reviews are important in order to ensure that patients are taking their medications correctly and that the medications are working properly. The clinical review process typically includes four main steps: One of the main responsibilities of the pharmacist is to perform clinical reviews of patient medications. These

Long-Term Care Pharmacy Staff Outsourcing to India and the Philippines
Long-term care (LTC) pharmacies provide medication and pharmaceutical services to residents of assisted living facilities, nursing homes, and other long-term care settings. These pharmacies face several challenges, including managing large numbers of patients with complex medication regimens, controlling costs, and staying up-to-date with the latest regulations. In recent years, some LTC pharmacies have begun outsourcing certain tasks and responsibilities to staff in India as a way to address these challenges.

Outsourcing Prior Authorization Process: An Approach to Optimizing Your Revenue Cycle and Improving Patient Care
Author: Dr. Aamer Nawaz Syed, Pharm. D Prior Authorization Specialist at Staffingly, Inc. What is Prior Authorization? It is a health insurance company utilization management approach that requires certain operations, tests, and drugs ordered by healthcare practitioners to be assessed for medical necessity and cost-of-care implications before they are permitted. A health insurance payer’s choice to approve or reject a prescribed course of treatment based on the results of a prior authorization review will influence whether a provider or pharmacy

Outsourcing of Healthcare staffing process to India.
Overview Healthcare outsourcing has proven to be a win-win situation for businesses and their employees. Not only does it assist businesses in outsourcing repetitive tasks to an offshore team, but it also assists employees in finding jobs that are ideal for their abilities and skills. Due to its prominence in the outsourcing sector, India is probably the first nation that comes to mind when people think of outsourcing for Customer Service, Medical Billing/Coding, Data Entry, etc. India continues to stand