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Why is it essential to develop communication skills?


Author: Sanyog Patil


Communication is the exchange of ideas, thoughts or feelings. As it is said that your knowledge is your business. In today’s world communication is just not a skill, It is sign of literate person. In this fast-moving world it is very necessary to gain knowledge. In order to gain, it is the basic necessity to communicate with each other. To communicate you need to match with mutual interests or vibes of each other. Communication has always been a two-way process of interaction. In case, of speech delivery, one must hear and the other should hear the one. After completion of his speech, the other one must give reviews or feedback of his knowledge.

There are many stories and articles, films, recordings, etc on this topic of communication but one needs a healthy and useful conversation to enhance his knowledge. According to paul J. Meyer, “Communication is the key to personal and career success.” Communication is the ticket to success if you pay attention and learn to do it effectively. To initiate a Conversation one person must understand the real meaning of his speech beyond word and try to relate the kind of situation with his personal life. Each statement expresses the emotions of one another, to understand people it is very essential to understand the emotional state of people. It is very difficult to understand the mind of each people

Everyone might have come across the funny films of influencers where they normally initiate a conversation with random strangers on places, to ask help from someone or with a random person one must start a conversation with a greet or kind words. This shows mannerisms, your respect towards him/her and also makes the conversation pleasant and healthy. You may also start by introducing yourself like, “ Hello, Myself James. May I know your good name please.”. Don’t get too intimate while expressing about yourself in single line, to extend the conversation keep your mutual vibes for later talks. Ask the person what he does in his free time or does he likes to interact with people or not. Many of the time people are stressed you can omit your jokes just to bring a smile on their face. This comical behavior is really required in corporates and really need something to release their stress There is wide range of topics to talk with understanding extending from kids to strenuous topics of Markets, stocks and Nifty. Never make any faces while listening this may seem very disrespectful and rude. Stay calm and don’t correct even if you don’t agree with his/her thoughts. After his speech, you may make your opinion like. “I don’t completely agree with you. You are partially correct in my point of view, I would also like to say you that….” After this statement, you may tell your views on this topic. To ask question to one another start with open-ended questions with yes or no questionnaires which may effectively help you to understand his/her mind and also know his/her interests. One must also appreciate if you really liked the thoughts and keenly agree with him/her. Never get afraid while cherishing. One must really Acknowledge one another for healthy exchange of knowledge. Using difficult vocabulary is a resistance in the healthy communication. The person might get obstructed or stuck to that word or particular sentence and might loose interest in your speech, try expressing yourself in simplest form. Try giving examples in your speech to express your thoughts clearly. For the next sentence you may ask for profession and what led him/her to do this if working. If the person is studying you may ask him what kind of job the person expects in his future and what potential is available with him. Never force the person to express his private life, let the person gain his/her trust on you don’t be in hurry to ask everything at once. For this you may tell jokes but never get too intimate about looks or personal. One might get his sentiments hurt due to word which were easy for you. For this, try putting yourself into his/her shoes and think again what would you go through if someone spoke about that matter. If speaking in vernacular languages it is very easy to use respectful word like, ‘AAP’ for both younger and the elder ones. There is a saying by William Feather, “Politeness is an inexpensive way of making friends.” Treat everyone with polite words, even if they are rude to you not because they are nice but because you are nice. You might also go with random questions like what kind of songs you like or series Genre interests which are very common nowadays for the younger generation.It is said that ‘An elderly person at home is like a living golden treasure.’ To communicate with older people one must ask about their life experiences, Mistakes and listen what mistakes are not to be repeated. You might seem them as old-school people but admire them and take into account their thoughts. In interview one must maintain an eye-contact throughout. The face should not express grumpiness or comical. A nice pleasant smile throughout might impact a positive impression. While answering one must be diplomatic as well as genuine. Answering just to please people might cause difficulties in future but one must not answer with unsatisfactory words. This causes confusion in both minds. Answer honestly what you are capable of and what might you be learning with them.

While communicating never judge people by profession or age each one has different and unique mindsets. Listen everyone and try to help out if in trouble. Meeting and communication with people enhances the speaking skills and your thinking ability. while concluding your word one must never forget to take address the person. One must conclude the words with goodbye, see you soon, “It was pleasure talking to you.” or “we really had a nice conversation hope we communicate further.” Finally it is very necessary to develop such skills which will help one to enculcate activities of communicating and self development


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