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Author: Sagar
Patient demographic is the collection of correct information through the patient in hospital or medical centre (like Name,Age,Sex,Contact,Address etc).Patient demographic entry is a key to a successful claim.It is a critical step to avoid a lot of back-tracking.It is a long way by ensuring accurate information of the patient.It includes Name,Age,Insurance ID number,location etc.
Patient Detail:-
Patient name and I’d ,gender,marital status,email,date of birth,contact number ad office address or temporary address.
Account Details:-
Guarantor name,Date of birth,phone number of work and home address.
Insurance Detail:-
Insurance number,Name and address of insurance company,group number,policy number,date of birth,Name of insured.
The demographic sheet is filled by patient and someone closed of patient’s family.It’s helps to the doctor to observe the patient condition and it’s helps to the future treatments. Demographic sheet have also attached the medical records of the patient.It is the very important parts of the medical claim. Correct information is help to doctor to take the best treatment of patient because the patient doesn’t fill the right information,then doctor should not be able to treat the patient and patient can never be healthy.
Patient demographic doesn’t only help the patient but it also help the doctor to identify the patients and the patient allergies.Patient demographic guides billing process is the demographic determines where to send the final bill and how can you followed upon unpaid claims.If you failed to collect the information,you may face a billing problem.While felling the information of demographic notice that the patient might answer your question perfectly.
- Hospital ensure the patient demographic information are as follow:-
- The hospital ensure that the data is accurate or not ,because data is important for claim,if there any mistake in the information.The patient will not able to claim and the apply will be rejected.
- This information is stored in the hospital in a safe place,show that at the time of claim they can easily get the file to check the information.
The information given by the patient should be captured carefully and the information should be checked twice.The information should be regularly updated in the system outdated information can be reimbursement differently.Real time eligibility and benefits check,practice can have updated coverage information for each patient demographic at their fingertips.