On-Demand Outsourcing BPO Services for Healthcare Providers With 24/7 Coverage!
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Browse Specialty Staffing ServicesIndia’s Pioneering in Medical Outsourcing

Author: Rachana Jha
“Outsourcing is a strategy in keeping the standards of the company/industry high”
While the United States has been outsourcing its manufacturing since the early 1980s, outsourcing services only recently became popular. China became the centre for manufacturing offshoring, and India for services. In this composition, we concentrate on the growth’s characteristics and the driving forces behind service off shoring to India. One of the finest alternatives is outsourcing. The ability of Indian industry to advance up the value chain from customised development and maintenance services to innovation, R&D, and product development, as well as the growth in domestic IT consumption to lessen dependence on export markets, are three key factors that will determine the future of the Indian IT-BPO industry.Public health professionals face a problem in terms of occupational health as they try to protect the health of young people working in this new, expanding industry.A significant yet under-researched concern in healthcare research is the issue of overseas outsourcing of healthcare services. To help close this gap, this study’s goal is to make a contribution.Lastly, we will discuss projects in the Indian States.
*Corresponding author: Email: rachanajha2002@gmail.com
The insight into the outcomes of medical outsourcing in India
Healthcare is one of the greatest industries in the nation in terms of employment and revenue, and the sector is expanding quickly.
Outsourcing was a result of the make-or-buy decision philosophy. The healthcare industry is one such busy and demanding sector. With all the pressure in the medical field, healthcare facilities may find outsourcing an excellent strategy to help them with the boosting up of business processes and progressions1.
The whole world has gone through a tremendous re-awakening on health care. People have woken up to the fact that healthcare is very important both from the perspective of protection, in the form of insurance and in the form of treatment. The treatment encompasses not only hospital care but home care diagnostics, pharmacy and follow-up treatment. “Since Covid, healthcare industry has received more attention, and that trend will continue. It will accelerate to heights as people become wealthier and are able to pay for better healthcare. The healthcare providers now have the chance to expand their operations, become more tech-savvy, and expand their businesses2.
The good outcome, if at all, of this tremendous tragedy is that there is greater awareness of healthcare and we think that will continue. It will only pick up to the pace as people get richer and can afford better healthcare. The healthcare providers now have chance to expand their operations, become more digitally savvy, and expand their business3.
Figure 1: Various components of data collection matrix
What Indian healthcare companies outsource?
The healthcare industry is a hectic and demanding one. Healthcare facilities may discover that outsourcing is a great way to help them with their business procedures given all the strain in the medical industry.
India is the best option for IT-BPO because of the unique set of features it offers. India started making significant attempts to open up its economy to the rest of the globe. Since the beginning of globalisation in the early 1990s, governments have implemented economic reform plans that are centred on privatisation and liberalisation.
The government started to relax rules and liberalise the economy, which contributed to the fast-growing economy of the country4.
Outsourcing is a win-win situation that benefits both exporting and importing countries in the short and long periods, according to the findings of the India regression study.
Indian start-up enterprises5
Approximately 160 billion dollars were spent on healthcare in India in 2017, and it was predicted that this amount might rise to 372 billion dollars by 2022.
Figure 2: Pharmaceutical industry in India6.
The Indian pharmaceutical sector has grown significantly over the last few years. The rate at which it is growing is amazing. The country now holds the top spot for generic medication production, comes in third for production volume, and comes in fifteenth for value.
In terms of developing a technical base, a range of goods, and infrastructure, India has achieved great progress. The pharmaceutical industry made a significant contribution to facilities for sanitization, quarantine, and preventive healthcare in addition to constantly supplying medicines7.
Today, the industry produces a large range of drugs from all significant therapeutic areas that require advanced manufacturing methods. A strong, efficient mechanical workforce and innovative method development efforts have made this possible. Pharmaceutical Contract Manufacturing Services have been quite beneficial in achieving this level as well8.
Due to the necessary federal regulations requiring the maintenance of electronic medical data, hospitals have seen an increase in the outsourcing of internal tasks over the past few years. Hospitals are progressively outsourcing their in-house services due to a variety of factors, including rising healthcare expenses, an increase in patient volume, and the growing difficulty of maintaining records of patients’ check-ins and check-outs as well as documents relating to insurance. As a result, the worldwide hospital outsourcing market is expanding as a result of the rising demand for outsourcing services in hospitals9.
Indian Redistribution
For the past two decades, firms have used the popular and successful business strategies of outsourcing to India to reduce costs, achieve scalability for expansion, and access required expertise. Many other Asian nations, like China and the Philippines, are chosen when it comes to outsourcing. However, India continues to be the most popular outsourcing country, particularly for software development10.
According to research by the National Association of Software & Service Corporations, half of all Fortune 500 companies prefer to outsource to Indian software companies (NASSCOM) 11.
What drives business outsourcing?
The worldwide outsourcing market is currently worth $92.5 billion and is expected to increase as more businesses see the advantages of outsourcing12.
Figure 3:Pie-chart showing driving forces involved in outsourcing services in India.
Reference:-Global outsourcing survey 202013.
- Cost-cutting
By utilising the knowledge of external teams at a low cost, outsourcing allows businesses to cut expenditures on hiring, infrastructure, and training development.
- Scalability Flexibility
With outsourcing, businesses have the freedom to easily scale up or down as needed to meet the demands of their present projects.
- Speed to Market.
Indian outsourcing firms are renowned for completing projects with a quicker turnaround time, which accelerates time to market. Additionally, outsourcing shortens the hiring process by 40—50%, increasing market speed once again.
Availability of New Technology
When a company wants to take advantage of cutting-edge technology like big data and cloud computing, they choose to outsource. Compared to training an internal team, they found outsourcing to be more cost-effective.
- Investment Opportunities in Healthcare
Opportunity-$25.83billion, Projects-620, Promoters-162, District-353, PrivateProjects-8 Government Projects 612.
- Aggrandizement in Indian medical externalization in 2022
Automating processes with robots (RPA)
RPA to increase healthcare personnel productivity, cut costs, and develop the value proposition.
Changing Illness in India, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for 60% of all fatalities and 50% of the illness burden.
Increased medical travel
The cost of medical care is comparatively low in India, which is causing a 22-25% increase in medical tourism. Over $2 billion is added to the Indian healthcare sector as a result. a growth in medical tourism has resulted in higher demand for healthcare and medical equipment.
Support & Incentives for Policy
Greenfield and Brownfield projects are permitted to receive 100% FDI, and efforts are being made to remedy the unfavourable duty structure and implement a single-window clearance e-portal to improve EoDB14.
Self-Reliant India: Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan
A unique economic package worth INR 20 lakh crores aimed at fostering Indian manufacturing Expected lifespan
By 2022, life expectancy will be greater than 70, necessitating the expansion of healthcare services.
Insurance Protection
20% of Indians are covered; this number is likely to climb up with income and urbanisation.
Emergence of telemedicine Along with these factors, the Indian healthcare business is being driven by the government’s e-health programmes, tax perks, and incentives.
Medical Facilities
By 2024, more than $200 billion will be invested on medical infrastructure 15.
Ventures in the Indian states
According to data given by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, FDI inflow for the medications and pharmaceuticals sector was at US$19.90 billion between April 2000 and June 2022. (DPIIT)16.
The following are some recent advancements in the Indian healthcare sector:
More than 219,888,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccination have been given across the nation as of November 24, 2022.
- India had exported 28.13 crore vaccine doses as of November 16, 2022.
- Abbott, a multinational healthcare company, and Americares India Foundation, a non-profit organization devoted to relief and development in the field of health, have agreed to collaborate on the conversion of 75 Primary Health Centres (PHCs) to Health and Wellness Centres (HWCs) in nine Indian States. Every year, more than 2.5 million residents of underserved communities will gain from this.
- Beat O, a diabetes monitoring software, raised US$ 33 million in its Series B fundraising round, which was organised by impact investor Light rock India, in November 2022.
- The Ministry of Health, the Government of India, and Edelweiss General Insurance teamed together in August 2022 to assist Indians in obtaining their Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) number.
- In the first half of 2022, India’s healthcare and pharmaceutical industries saw M&A activity of $4.32 billion 17.
- There were 612 medical colleges in India as of July 2022.
- Phase 3 trials of the first intranasal COVID-19 vaccine being developed by Bharat Biotech in collaboration with the Washington University
- School of Medicine in St. Louis, Missouri, began in January 2022.
- With 30 million members overall, the start-up Healthily adds 500,000 new users each month and, in January 2022, had an ARR of US$ 40 million.
- One in every three life insurance plans sold in FY21 were to women, who accounted for 93 lakhs of the policies granted to women overall.
- Eka Care was the first company in India to receive CoWIN approval in December 2021, allowing consumers to schedule vaccination appointments, download certificates, and even generate Health IDs.
- There are 80,136 Ayushman Bharat-Health and Wellness Centres (ABHWCs) operating in India as of November 18, 2021.
- By November 18, 2021, 638 e-Hospitals would have been constructed throughout India as a result of the “Digital India” plan of the national government.
- Aster DM Healthcare stated in November 2021 that it will invest Rs. 900 crore (US$ 120.97 million) in capital projects over the following three years to increase its presence in India is to increase the country’s contribution to overall revenue to 40% by 202518.
- Sputnik Light, a Russian-produced COVID-19 vaccine, was given approval for Phase 3 trials in India in September 2021.
- In September 2021, Serum Institute Life Sciences, a division of Serum Institute of India, and Biocon Biologics Limited, a Biocon subsidiary, announced a strategic partnership (SII). The partnership should help India maintain its dominant position as a producer of vaccines and biologics on a global scale19.
From the above information we may clearly draw the information that, India is undergoing numerous improvements to rank among the updated versions as a developing nation. For a stronger and healthier nation,It is high time that Indian Healthcare Department needs an up liftment of outsourcing and better manpower .
“PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE’’ and so is awakening to better strategies and more opportunities of outsourcing can lead India to the top place.
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