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Author: Najiya Fatima
Initially, pharmacists were involved in the dispensing and preparation of the drugs. They were present behind the counter with their main purpose being preparing, packing and prescribing of drugs. Today the job role of Pharmacists have evolved from pharmacy shops to an integrated part of the health care where they are involved in providing safe and effective medicines and work alongside with physicians in providing better treatment and care. One of the areas of pharmacist assistance in clinical care review.
Clinical care review is the process of examining potential errors or gaps in medical care in order to improve future training. This goes by many different names including peer review, adverse event review, sentinel event review, and root cause analysis.
The pharmacist clinical review process is a critical aspect of healthcare that involves pharmacists reviewing and evaluating patient medication regimens to ensure that they are safe, effective, and appropriate. This process is crucial for identifying and addressing any potential problems or issues with a patient’s medications, such as drug interactions, inappropriate dosing, or prescribing errors along with optimizing the impact of medicines. Medication review is an essential component of medicine management for detecting and reducing medical errors and optimizing medical treatment. Due to their clinical knowledge and expertise, pharmacists are the ideal choice to undertake medication reviews.
The process of conducting a pharmacist clinical review typically begins with the pharmacist reviewing a patient’s demographics, medical history, including information on their current medications, allergies, and any other relevant health conditions. The pharmacist will also consider the patient’s age, gender, weight, and other factors that may affect the safety and effectiveness of the medications along with cost–benefit analysis. The pharmacist then correlates the Pt’s clinical response to his laboratory data to access the treatment outcome and evaluates the need for change in regimen if any.
Once the pharmacist has gathered all of the necessary information, they will conduct a thorough review of the patient’s medication regimen, taking into account the patient’s overall health status and any potential drug interactions or contraindications. This may involve reviewing the prescribing information for each medication, as well as consulting with other healthcare professionals, such as the patient’s primary care provider or specialists.
The pharmacist clinical review mainly aims at :
1. Treatment without indication
- Untreated Indication
- Inappropriate drug selection
- Subtherapeutic dose
- Overdose
- Drug interactions
- Drug duplication
- Patient Non – Compliance
1. Treatment without indication – where a medication is being prescribed to a patient without any need of it. For Example:-A patient suffering from kidney failure is being prescribed benzodiazepines.
- Untreated indication – where the patient isn’t prescribed medication for a particular condition. For Example:- Patient came with complaints of fever, chest pain and ankle edema, patient was prescribed medications for chest pain and ankle edema but not for fever.
- Inappropriate drug selection – Not choosing the most appropriate drug as per the patient condition. For Example:-in case of bacterial infections the drug is selected based on its antimicrobial spectrum
- Sub-therapeutic dose – When a patient is already prescribed the right drug but the dose of which is less than the therapeutic dose. In such cases we see therapeutic failure which can cause worsening of the patient’s condition. For Example:-FDA-approved daily doses of pregabalin >600 mg at any point in time during the follow-up period for Post herpetic neuralgia, if the average daily dose in patients was <300 mg it’s considered sub-therapeutic.
- Overdose:- when dose of a drug exceeds normal daily dose limit. It can be incidental or accidental. If drug over dose is not treated immediately it can cause organ damage, systemic toxicity or lead to death of patient. For Example:-Paracetamol recommended dose is 1g QID (four times a day).if the dose is more than the recommended it can cause toxicity.
- Drug interactions:- these fall into 3 broad categories
- a) Drug-drug interactions – when two or more drugs react with each other. This drug-drug interaction may cause you to experience an unexpected side effect. For Example:-mixing a drug you take to help you sleep (a sedative) and a drug you take for allergies (an antihistamine) can slow your reactions and make driving a car or operating machinery dangerous.
b)Drug-food/beverage interactions – result from drugs reacting with foods or beverages. For Example:-mixing alcohol with some drugs may cause you to feel tired or slow your reactions.
c)Drug-condition interactions – may occur when an existing medical condition makes certain drugs potentially harmful. For Example:-if you have high blood pressure you could experience an unwanted reaction if you take a nasal decongestant.
- Drug duplication:- Therapeutic duplication occurs when practitioners order more than one medication for the same indication. For Example:- when a patient is prescribed multiple antiemetic agents
- Patient Non – Compliance:- include oral administration issues, excessive duration of treatment, Patient’s noncompliance with route or dosage form, their beliefs and medication adherence, etc.
If the pharmacist identifies any issues with a patient’s medication regimen, they will work with the patient and their healthcare team to develop a plan to address these issues. This may involve adjusting the dosage or frequency of medications, switching to alternative medications, or discontinuing medications that are no longer necessary. In addition to identifying and addressing issues with medication regimens, pharmacists also play a crucial role in educating patients about their medications, Life style modifications and dietary habits. This may involve providing information on how to properly take the medications, potential side effects, and any necessary precautions to be taken. Along with improving patient’s understanding of the disease and the drugs they improve their medication adherence and thus successfully improving their condition. They also give advices on life style modifications and dietary changes that can be made to have a better outcome of the treatment.
As we see Pharmacists involve more with the patients in helping them understand their disease and the importance of taking their medications regularly and with their wide knowledge on different aspect of patient care, pharmacists can clear patient’s doubts if any. In certain cases, if a patient is facing any issues in regards to the present cost of the therapy pharmacists can work with the physician in finding an appropriate drug that is of lesser cost with similar benefit. Thus reducing the cost burden on the patient and improving his adherence. Pharmacists are also widely available to the general public which makes pharmacists easily approachable healthcare professionals to whom the Patient’s can come and ask any questions related to the therapy or any doubts in general in relation to their health.
Pharmacists are also involved in community health care by making people aware of the common communicable diseases and what they can do to prevent them, they can also educate them on the importance of sanitation, maintenance of proper hygiene and importance of getting their kids vaccinated.
Pharmacists are involved in therapeutic evaluation of patients with lifestyle diseases or patients in ICU or in patients suffering requiring accurate monitoring of the disease – patients suffering from kidney or liver or heart damage where the dosages given need to be carefully monitored for an adverse event or therapy failure.
- In patients with life style diseases, who are taking medications for many years are at risk of developing adverse reactions or in need of change in dose or therapeutic alteration. Pharmacists can do a routine evaluation of the therapeutic benefit and asses their concerns if any.
- ICU patients are generally prescribed multiple medications and therefore it is necessary for the health care professionals to perform Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (TDM) which monitors if the needed drug level is being maintained in the body. Based on the results of TDM the pharmacists can advise the physician any changes in the regimen that will help in improving the patients condition.
- Patients who are suffering from liver or kidney or heart damage are at higher risk of developing toxicity to a drug cause of impaired metabolic, excretory and circulatory functions of the body. In such cases assessing the degree of organ damage the pharmacists need to design the regimen that reduces the toxic effects but still gives the patient needed attention. These patients require reduced dose of a durg to prevent these toxic effects.
- Patients who are alcohol and smokers, they are at increased risk of therapy failure because they require more dose of a drug as compared to a non–smoker or a non-alcoholic.
- Geriatrics (age >65) have polypharmacy along with age-associated reduction in organ failure where its necessary to monitor the patients condition and help prolong their life with minimal side effects.
- In Pregnant and lactating women, their regimen needs to avoid drugs that are teratogenic to avoid any foetal abnormalities.
Today the world is shifting towards Patient-centric medical care by placing patient at top of any therapy being given. That means it requires health care professionals that has wide range of knowledge with drugs, their kinetics, actions and effects alongside their possible interactions and adverse effects, With all this taken into consideration pharmacists come into the picture. Pharmacists work in coordination with the physicians in improving Patient’s health, reducing disease occurrence and hospital stay, reducing medication errors and any complications.
Thus, the pharmacist clinical review process is an essential aspect of healthcare that helps to ensure that patients are receiving safe and effective medications. By carefully reviewing and evaluating medication regimens, pharmacists can identify and address any potential problems, improve patient outcomes, and reduce the risk of adverse effects and other complications along with reducing the morbidity and mortality in patients.
Do you think Pharmacists should be actively involved in the healthcare?
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- Walker LE, Nestler DM, Laack TA, Clements CM, Erwin PJ, Scanlan-Hanson L, Bellolio MF. Clinical care review systems in healthcare: a systematic review. International journal of emergency medicine. 2018 Dec;11(1):1-8.
- Garin N, Sole N, Lucas B, Matas L, Moras D, Rodrigo-Troyano A, Gras-Martin L, Fonts N. Drug related problems in clinical practice: a cross-sectional study on their prevalence, risk factors and associated pharmaceutical interventions. Scientific reports. 2021 Jan 13;11(1):1-1.
- Kearney A, Halleran C, Walsh E, Byrne D, Haugh J, Sahm LJ. Medication Reviews by a Clinical Pharmacist at an Irish University Teaching Hospital. Pharmacy (Basel). 2017 Oct 27;5(4):60. doi: 10.3390/pharmacy5040060. PMID: 29077019; PMCID: PMC5748541.
- Therapeutic and Subtherapeutic Dosing of Pregabalin: Medication Adherence, Healthcare Resource Utilization, and Costs (pharmacytimes.com)
- Paracetamol overdose: symptoms, effects and treatments (netdoctor.co.uk)
- Drug Interactions: What You Should Know | FDA