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Mortality and Life-threatening outcomes of chemotherapy or Anti-neoplastic drugs in Immunocompromised patients: An overview.

Author: Awais Afzal Mohd Afsar   Introduction: Immunity is our body’s ability to recognize germs to prevent them from causing illness. Our immune system helps to identify and eliminate dangerous germs that enter the body before they can cause disease or damage. Immunity to a disease is achieved by the presence of antibodies which are proteins produced by the body to neutralize or destroy toxins, pathogens, and other disease-carrying agents, for example Measles Pneumonia or Fungal infections. Antibodies will protect

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Swapnil G

Medical Billing Process

Author: Deepjyoti Saikia   Medical billing is the process of submitting and following up on claims with health insurance companies in order to receive payment for services rendered by a healthcare provider. The healthcare provider, usually a doctor or hospital, will send a bill or claim to the insurance company, which will then review the claim and determine the amount of coverage based on the patient’s policy. If the claim is approved, the insurance company will pay the healthcare provider

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Swapnil G


Author: Sucharitha. Koppula   What is health care assistance? It is defined as providing the health literacy information to the public by the health care assistants are like health care professionals i.e., nurses, pharmacy, physicians regarding how to maintain the proper hygiene, medication using advantages and disadvantages. Introduction: The main of providing health care assistance to the public is to get the best possible health outcomes. But here some factors are influencing the public health care such as poor economic

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Swapnil G


Author: Divya Suthar*1    Abstract: Clinical pharmacy concerned with science and the rational medication use and it is widely recognised as an essential profession in the multidisciplinary environment of patient care. Clinical pharmacists are the one who works directly with the physicians and patients. The purpose of this study is to emphasis clinical pharmacist’s importance in several regions. The study also concerned with clinical review where the pharmacist check the drug therapy to ensure that the patient is getting appropriate

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The raising level of specialized services provided by LTC (Long Term Care) pharmacies for senior citizens and adolescents with disabilities: A review

Author: Jyoti Suthar   Abstract LTC (Long Term Care) pharmacies provide smashing services to patients suffering from chronic ailments and those who continuously rely on medication for health care. They have an essential role in health care and communities such as individualized and care-centered services. Ensures patients receive the right medications in the right doses at the right time. They have more focus on improving clinical outcomes, reducing costs, and providing good quality care to the residents. Figure 1: Long-Term

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Swapnil G


A HELPING HAND TO PATIENTS Author: Mr. Rayeni Rahul   ABSTRACT the drug assistance programs and patients responsibilities are taken by pharmacist as well as their family members.the survey which we have done our college premises to give awareness about how they have to take  medicines and also how they have to recognize the drug’s performance in their body and how to react if they notice any side effects side effects  our survey done at turkayamjal village  ,their i have

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Swapnil G
Mastering Compliance: Implementing Real-Time Medical Documentation

Medical Coding Process

Author: Bhavika Birpan   Data generated in all clinical trials are recorded on data collection instrument case report from Electronic case report from By investigators located at various sites in various countries. In multicentric clinical trials, different investigators or medically qualified experts are from different sites. Center recording the medical terms uniformly is a big challenge. medical coders from the clinical data management team process these teams and perform medical coding is performed to categorize the medical terms reported appropriately

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How Data Analytics Transforms Prior Authorization?


Author: ANJALI JAIN   One modest move for a man, one significant step for humanity is what this represents – Chapter one If you want to expand your healthcare business, you’ll need to hire more people and offer more services. You might want to think about working with a healthcare business process outsourcing company. Even now, not everybody has heard of Healthcare outsourcing services and hasn’t been researched as much as other company industries like IT, sales, and customer service.

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